The latest blog post by Linden Lab tops off a horror week for Second Life stability. Combine that with the ever-present lag and usability remains the chestnut issue for Second Life.

If the rumours are true about Australian-based SL servers finally arriving, then part of the significant frustration with the Second Life experience will be remedied. The roll-out of improved broadband in Australia is likely to occur no matter who wins next week’s election, but it’s still a while off. None of it will remediate the enormous logistical task of keeping a virtual world running across thousands of servers – that’s something that can at best be minimised as a performance issue.
We’d be interested in your experiences with lag – has it been around the same for you, better or worse?
Yes, the stability of the grid is horrible this month. They canceled the downtime on October 31, 2007, and I haven’t seen them reschedule it. Normally I hate downtime, but I BEG for it now! Please! Fix the failed logins, support portal, slow SL related web pages, lag, asset server problems, etc!
Yes, the stability of the grid is horrible this month. They canceled the downtime on October 31, 2007, and I haven’t seen them reschedule it. Normally I hate downtime, but I BEG for it now! Please! Fix the failed logins, support portal, slow SL related web pages, lag, asset server problems, etc!
Login problems, much, much lag and now things suddenly returning all over to inventory
Help! Please we want to enjoy our second life!
Login problems, much, much lag and now things suddenly returning all over to inventory
Help! Please we want to enjoy our second life!
Well Gaybot, you got your wish. Things have gotten so bad now, that LL has been forced to close the grid.
I’ve noticed things getting progressively worse over the past month. It seems we’re back where we were this time last year.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see another Open Letter sort of thing develop out of the debacle of late.
Well Gaybot, you got your wish. Things have gotten so bad now, that LL has been forced to close the grid.
I’ve noticed things getting progressively worse over the past month. It seems we’re back where we were this time last year.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see another Open Letter sort of thing develop out of the debacle of late.