Intelligent Parrot

This very prim and proper lady goes into a pet store, and see the most beautiful parrot she’s ever seen. She asks the store manager how much, and he says “I can sell him for $10.”

“Oh my, that’s a wonderful price” the lady exclaimed. “I’ll take him.”

“There’s a reason he’s only $10. He was raised and taught to speak in a brothel, so his language is a bit….colorful”

The lady thought for a moment, and said “I’m a very devout Christian, and I believe there’s good in every creature. I can change his language.”

When she got the parrot home, he looked around and said “AWWWWK. New House, New Madam.”

The lady admonished the bird, saying “That is improper language, and I will not have it in my home. I am the Missus and this is my home.”

A bit later, the lady’s two teenage daughters came home. The parrot saw them and said “AWWWWK. New House. New Madam, New Girls.”

“No, No, No. That is not at all proper. These are not new girls. They are my daughters, and you will speak to them with respect.”

Things went well for the next few hours, when the lady’s husband came home. The parrot saw him and said ” AWWWWK. New House. New Madam. New Girls. Hi Bob”

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