After months of development Telstra have launched their SL presence. And a significant presence it is – eleven islands called The Pond, Ponderosa, Billabong, Ponden, Ponderama, Pondessa, Pondex, Pondfield, Pondice, Pondillion and Pondshen (pictured above). Each offers a range of activities and sights which we’ll cover in-depth in future, but for now an overview of the sights:
The Opera House:

An impressive rendition though the claim that the true Opera House shape can’t be rendered in SL to me seems to stand – it’s damn close though.
The compulsory outback pub (The Billabong Bar):


The BigPond Dome:

A highlight, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, fireworks included:

We’d love to hear your initial impressions – are you inspired or indifferent? Do you find the whole thing amazing or kitsch? Let us know.
Cool az. Dropped into the pub for a couple yesterday.
Cool az. Dropped into the pub for a couple yesterday.
Such a great build, love the guided tour. Even some authentic Aussie background sounds. Why when I search for Telstra in SL no results come up? Classifieds..nothing. Map search…nothing. People..you guessed it.
Such a great build, love the guided tour. Even some authentic Aussie background sounds. Why when I search for Telstra in SL no results come up? Classifieds..nothing. Map search…nothing. People..you guessed it.