In the ten days that Telstra’s islands have been in operation, I’ve dropped in for fifteen minutes or so each day. As mentioned last week, new users of SL appear to make up the bulk of the island’s explorers.

The issues haven’t changed over time – these users wander around not sure what to do next. When a more experienced user is around and provides advice, the response is appreciative. I’ve given dozens of clothing packs to users wanting something other than Linden’s default garb and provided advice on everything from changing appearance to using the search functionality. I remain suprised at the lack of basic guidance for BigPond SL users and also at the lack of motivation on behalf of some users to go beyond the Telstra Islands. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, there’s a lack of understanding that there’s anything beyond the Telstra Islands for some users. Secondly, because BigPond users can frequent the Telstra Islands without incurring any bandwidth metering, a proportion of new users are unable to explore further due to being on lower bandwidth plans with BigPond.
BigPond can’t be criticised for making their presence unmetered, but some more guidance for new users wouldn’t go astray.
I agree completely..
I Think some sort of guidance on where to start one’s SL journey, and a brief outline of *what SL is*, may be appropriate..
Also the intoduction islands could do with an overhall — I thought the welcome islands they have there are tragedies — basically one straight road you walk up with signs on the side… Not much interesting there at all!! Not to mention some of the bad english used in the instructions…
One would think Telstra could do a better job with bringing people into this new realm…
Also, please supply every newbie with a ‘stop all animations’ triangle and explain how it works, PLEASE!
I agree completely..
I Think some sort of guidance on where to start one’s SL journey, and a brief outline of *what SL is*, may be appropriate..
Also the intoduction islands could do with an overhall — I thought the welcome islands they have there are tragedies — basically one straight road you walk up with signs on the side… Not much interesting there at all!! Not to mention some of the bad english used in the instructions…
One would think Telstra could do a better job with bringing people into this new realm…
Also, please supply every newbie with a ‘stop all animations’ triangle and explain how it works, PLEASE!