Looking for Telstra Bigpond’s Islands?

One of the criticisms that has been levelled at SL has been the way in which the search function works. This is frustratingly true for those of us trying to find Telstra’s Bigpond presence.

Most people will do the obvious thing and just type in Telstra or Bigpond in the search window. Note that the default tab is “All”. This is one of the main problems with the search function. If you choose the other tabs you need to type in your search all over again.

Most people would assume that the “All” tab means just that, all categories are searched and results posted, in some cases you find what you want in others, as above, you have a zero result.

In the BigPond Islands example, a search of “All” is not very successful at all:

However, if you select the “Places” tab and retype your query you will find that not only is BigPond easily located, but all the sub-sections and islands are listed:

So the moral of the story is to try and use a variety of queries and tabs when searching for a specific area. It may take a while but you may just find what you’re looking for.


  1. Earnest Candour says

    I’m guessing that Telstra just want an exclusively BigPond presence in SL? When I search for Bigpond under ‘All’ tab I get some results, but I get no results for Telstra under any tab. Either way the build is pretty cool.

  2. Earnest Candour says

    I’m guessing that Telstra just want an exclusively BigPond presence in SL? When I search for Bigpond under ‘All’ tab I get some results, but I get no results for Telstra under any tab. Either way the build is pretty cool.

  3. You could be right Earnest. On Bigpond being the exclusive Telstra presence.

    It could also be part of a branding strategy that they are undertaking as well.

    As Bigpond is an internet service provider it may make sense to keep the Telstra and Bigpond “concepts” separate in the minds of the ‘punters’. 🙂


  4. You could be right Earnest. On Bigpond being the exclusive Telstra presence.

    It could also be part of a branding strategy that they are undertaking as well.

    As Bigpond is an internet service provider it may make sense to keep the Telstra and Bigpond “concepts” separate in the minds of the ‘punters’. 🙂


  5. I have found that the “All” tab does work but takes longer to display. If you leave it a while all the results drop in.

  6. I have found that the “All” tab does work but takes longer to display. If you leave it a while all the results drop in.

  7. Earnest Candour says

    Cybster, the ‘All’ tab doesn’t work with a search for Telstra, no matter how long you wait. I just tried it. Works with BigPond under numerous tabs though. I agree with Graham, I’m sure its probably an intentional marketing decision, its just my natural instinct is to search for Telstra first. It no big deal, I mean every time I go there its packed full of Avs anyway, so obviously people are finding there way there. It has a level of stickyness too, as I’ve been back several times to look at various things and always come across something I haven’t seen before.

  8. Earnest Candour says

    Cybster, the ‘All’ tab doesn’t work with a search for Telstra, no matter how long you wait. I just tried it. Works with BigPond under numerous tabs though. I agree with Graham, I’m sure its probably an intentional marketing decision, its just my natural instinct is to search for Telstra first. It no big deal, I mean every time I go there its packed full of Avs anyway, so obviously people are finding there way there. It has a level of stickyness too, as I’ve been back several times to look at various things and always come across something I haven’t seen before.

  9. You will find a searching on Telstra works now 😉

  10. You will find a searching on Telstra works now 😉

  11. Thanks for the update Gary 😉

  12. Earnest Candour says

    Yes, it does work now. Strange that. You guys are like the Aussie FIC. lulz ;D

  13. Thanks for the update Gary 😉

  14. Earnest Candour says

    Yes, it does work now. Strange that. You guys are like the Aussie FIC. lulz ;D

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