“Ever wanted to impress someone by telling them you’re a doctor? Or have you ever wanted to be a doctor but lacked the time, money, and sheer will to go to school for it? Well not to worry! By joining The Fake Doctor’s Association, you get the title without all the fuss! Now you can finally tell people that you are in fact a person of medicine!”

That’s the description you’ll find for the Fake Doctor’s Association, which I was offered membership of late last year after a conversation with an FDA member. This week I received a Group Notice from FDA’s founder (pictured):
“Hello Doctors,
I have an assignment for all members of the Fake Doctor’s Association. This week, I want you to commit malpractice at least once and tell me about it.
To help you, here is an axe.
Janette Deakins
Founder, The Fake Doctor’s Association”
So if you see someone wielding an axe, they’re likely to be fake health professionals, so no need to be concerned.
Thats us honey!
Thats us honey!