ABC Island played host to an election night party, with lots of chat about unfolding events in the real world. The ‘Australians’ group in SL was also buzzing with a running commentary.

It’d be an understatement to say those gathered on ABC island and the group chat were pro-Kevin Rudd:

Numerous comments were expressed in regard to the ALP’s broadband policy and its impacts on the SL experience. There was plain old partying.

As one party-goer said, “I just wanted to be with some Aussies at this historical moment”. There’s been no involvement by Australian political parties in Second Life to date – my prediction is that by next election there’ll be a marked presence by at least one party in the virtual world sphere.
[…] It’s coming up to a year since the change of Federal government in Australia. In Second Life, there was an election night party. […]