In the next two weeks I’m involved in two separate events that have the same purpose – to raise awareness of the opportunities that Second Life presents. The first has a corporate focus and the panel discussion involves key people from Telstra, REA and the ABC involved in their respective Second Life presences. The second one is also business orientated with a communications flavour.

In both cases, there’ll be up to a hundred representatives from Australian businesses, most of them medium to large operations with varying understanding of virtual worlds. A while back we wrote about Australian business taking a ‘wait and see’ approach – this may still be the case but there’s certainly no shortage of forums where SL is being presented as an innovation option.
The events sound very interesting. Unfortunately I’ve only just heard about them so it’s too late for me to organise funding but next time… FYI Monash and Swinburne Universities are hosting an event this Saturday 17/11 that will be an overview of business/education/research in SL. It’s designed for people with little or no SL experience. You are most welcome to attend inworld or RW – participation is free. We are all for increasing knowledge and participation in Second Life and happy to colloborate/support others involved in the same goal. Here are the links for more info or registration:
Best of luck for the events – I hope they are well attended. The more the merrier!
The events sound very interesting. Unfortunately I’ve only just heard about them so it’s too late for me to organise funding but next time… FYI Monash and Swinburne Universities are hosting an event this Saturday 17/11 that will be an overview of business/education/research in SL. It’s designed for people with little or no SL experience. You are most welcome to attend inworld or RW – participation is free. We are all for increasing knowledge and participation in Second Life and happy to colloborate/support others involved in the same goal. Here are the links for more info or registration:
Best of luck for the events – I hope they are well attended. The more the merrier!