Last week I noticed a press release from Second Life political party, F.I.R.E. (it stands for Freedom, Improvement, Respect and Enjoyment). They’ve surveyed SL residents on their perceptions and clim to have a future agenda on a number of issues (see full press release below).
There’s understandably some scepticism and confusion around F.I.R.E.’s aims, particularly in an environment with no governmental structures, but at the very least it will provide an alternative to the RL politicians setting up presences without significant engagement with the SL community.

As far as F.I.R.E. being the first political party, I’m aware there have been many lobby groups and even some sim-based ‘governments’, but I’d still argue this is the first SL-wide formal party. It may be perceived by some as a loopy party for its insistence on not adopting a set ideology, but a party it still is. What are your thoughts – can you see a grass-roots political party with a very broad ideology working in SL?
The full press release:
“October 31, 2007. SL POLITICS ON F.I.R.E. Recent studies conducted by Second Life’s first political party – F.I.R.E. – reveal that SL is lacking in the areas of freedom and respect. On the plus side, research also indicates that SL is improving fast enough and that there is a sufficient amount of ‘fun’ here in the virtual world.
Recent studies conducted by Second Life’s first political party – F.I.R.E. – reveal that SL is lacking in the areas of freedom and respect. On the plus side, research also indicates that SL is improving fast enough and that there is a sufficient amount of ‘fun’ here in the virtual world.
F.I.R.E. believes that sacraficing “freedom & respect” in favor of “improvement & enjoyment” will not benefit SL and needs to be halted immediately. F.I.R.E. represents virtual interests. F.I.R.E. is an independent SL-based political party for the promotion and protection of Freedom, Improvement, Respect & Enjoyment. Since early May 2007 F.I.R.E. has been getting organized. We are currently developing the party platform. On the agenda for the coming months are issues such as “cyberwar draft”, “powershifts”, “100 dollar laptops” and “squatting rights in SL”.
More on the research F.I.R.E. conducted.
The Board asked the members of F.I.R.E. about their thoughts pertaining to the four basic areas of Freedom, Improvement, Respect and Enjoyment in SL. Here are the results:
49% of the members of FIRE say that there is enough Freedom in SL.*
67% of the members of FIRE say that there is enough Improvement in SL.**
41% of the members of FIRE say that there is enough Respect in SL.***
84% of the members of FIRE say that there is enough Enjoyment in SL.****
* Note on Freedom: High costs of SLiving and the prohibition of gambling are seen as the main problems with freedom.
** Note on Improvement: Most people named themselves and others as the main providers of improvement. Linden Lab came in at second.
*** Note on Respect: Almost everyone named ‘griefing’ as the sign of disrespect. ‘Rascism/fascism’ was the second most mentioned. Some stated that “There is as much respect in SL as in RL.”
**** Note on Enjoyment: To reiterate; most people named themselves and those around them as the main providers. Cost were mentioned as a problem: “How could I ever afford to play on a descent 18-holes golf course?.”
This survey will be repeated in 2008.
Past statements of F.I.R.E.
Gambling should not have been banned. If things were really getting out of hand, then gambling should have been brought under control and not simply banned. Banning is a sign of weakness and benefits nobody. Under certain improved conditions gambling should once again be enjoyed legally.
* VAT:
The communication concerning the VAT for EU citizens has been handled poorly to say the least. The information provided is lacking in both quality and quantity. The tone in which this message is delivered is horrible. The short notice before the implementation of this measure is ridiculous. Most importantly, it is unjust to spring this VAT measure on EU citizens and it will simply amount to a substantial increase in SL prices. LL knew or should have known VAT was and is to be paid. EU citizens have rightfully trusted LL to take care of their legal obligations surrounding VAT from the start and they should pay this tax out of money that they have already acquired.”
Update: SLNN have an interview with Datus Clary.
Hi Prokofy and Troy,
Thanks for your considered thoughts. My argument that FIRE is ‘first’ was put with disclaimers around the well established history of lobby groups and the Democratic sims – from my perspective this party is the first broad-based one, though them proving to be a viable, effective entity is a challenge they’ve yet to face.
As far as their policy stance, well that’s the point of a political party isn’t it – to cause debate 😉
Their statement on gambling shows that they don’t understand why Linden Lab shut gambling down: US law. I was surprised that gambling wasn’t forbidden by the SL Terms of Service from day 1.
In the USA, online gambling is illegal under the Federal Wire Act of 1961. Outside the USA, it’s a different story, but Linden Lab and its servers are in the USA.
Their statement on gambling shows that they don’t understand why Linden Lab shut gambling down: US law. I was surprised that gambling wasn’t forbidden by the SL Terms of Service from day 1.
In the USA, online gambling is illegal under the Federal Wire Act of 1961. Outside the USA, it’s a different story, but Linden Lab and its servers are in the USA.
It’s not the first party by any stretch of the imagination, this is ludicrous.
There is a whole raft of social democratic, democratic, conservative parties that are in the Confederation of Democratic Sims in Neufreistadt and Neualtenberg, there are all kinds of parties, some based in RL like socialists and communists with an SL presence also that gets involved in local SL platform issues.
Gambling cannot be restored in Second Life because it is now against U.S. law, which prohibits Internet gambling. The Lindens are a U.S. based company that has to comply with real-life US law or be shut down. Advocating for the restoration of gambling might be construed as advertisement of gambling, which is now also banned under the TOS in SL. Until there are host-your-own servers or some other platform, Europeans who imagine unregulated SL-style gambling is legal in their countries (they may be in for a surprise there!)will have to refrain from gambling or face expulsion.
There isn’t any “confusion” about what this latest party is — it’s merely a handful of people with a sectarian agenda who try to put yet another “first” over on what is now a rather savvy and informed public that doesn’t fall for these stunts.
VAT is another real-life fact of life that Europeans have to change not by banging on an American company in the United States, but by banging on their own governments. There own EU doesn’t give any notification delay or grace period for enforcement, so LL is not in a position to do so. Whatever their poor communications, it’s not their problem — VAT is VAT, and Europeans have to realize their social services cannot be paid for by American game companies, they are paid for properly only by Europeans.
It’s not the first party by any stretch of the imagination, this is ludicrous.
There is a whole raft of social democratic, democratic, conservative parties that are in the Confederation of Democratic Sims in Neufreistadt and Neualtenberg, there are all kinds of parties, some based in RL like socialists and communists with an SL presence also that gets involved in local SL platform issues.
Gambling cannot be restored in Second Life because it is now against U.S. law, which prohibits Internet gambling. The Lindens are a U.S. based company that has to comply with real-life US law or be shut down. Advocating for the restoration of gambling might be construed as advertisement of gambling, which is now also banned under the TOS in SL. Until there are host-your-own servers or some other platform, Europeans who imagine unregulated SL-style gambling is legal in their countries (they may be in for a surprise there!)will have to refrain from gambling or face expulsion.
There isn’t any “confusion” about what this latest party is — it’s merely a handful of people with a sectarian agenda who try to put yet another “first” over on what is now a rather savvy and informed public that doesn’t fall for these stunts.
VAT is another real-life fact of life that Europeans have to change not by banging on an American company in the United States, but by banging on their own governments. There own EU doesn’t give any notification delay or grace period for enforcement, so LL is not in a position to do so. Whatever their poor communications, it’s not their problem — VAT is VAT, and Europeans have to realize their social services cannot be paid for by American game companies, they are paid for properly only by Europeans.
Hi Prokofy and Troy,
Thanks for your considered thoughts. My argument that FIRE is ‘first’ was put with disclaimers around the well established history of lobby groups and the Democratic sims – from my perspective this party is the first broad-based one, though them proving to be a viable, effective entity is a challenge they’ve yet to face.
As far as their policy stance, well that’s the point of a political party isn’t it – to cause debate 😉
Second Life News for November 4, 2007…
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