Freedom Xpress is one of the more recent memorials to appear in Second Life. Its subject is freedom of expression and the journalists who have been killed for doing their job.

The organisers of the memorial, Dakila Lacava and Galilla Sinatra, describe their motivations:
“Freedom Xpress is a place of tribute to those who have fallen in the name of freedom of expression and the press. We are also a group dedicated to promoting these freedoms as indispensable to genuine human development and understanding.
Today, people continue to be persecuted, even killed as governments and groups with dire agendas seek to suppress the truth and those who bear witness to it. Freedom XPress is our small contribution to the effort to stave off the darkness from descending on us.
At the moment, we have erected two monuments, one to Philippine journalists murdered since 2001, and another to slain Russian journalists.
We would like to invite journalists from as many countries as possible to join us, to build their own tributes to the heroes of press freedom and free expression in their lands. We also welcome those who, journalists and non-journalists alike, wish to join us spread awareness through SL about how freedom of the press and of expression continue to be threatened and attacked all over the world.
If you want to know more abut Freedom XPress or get involved with us, please feel free to IM Dakila Lacava or Galilla Sinatra. We would be honored to have you on board.”
Freedom of expression must always prevail. I salute journalists for their courage and work dedication despite of some political harassment.
Freedom of expression must always prevail. I salute journalists for their courage and work dedication despite of some political harassment.