Linden Lab commence survey on voice in Second Life

Linden Lab have announced their latest survey is devoted to Second Life residents’ experience with using voice. Get your voice heard by completing the survey.

We also have a voice forum if you’re passionate about the issue.

Update (January 2008) – a further survey is being undertaken on preferred voice features into the future.


  1. Juko Tempel says

    I did complete the LL survey, but its very simplistic with yes/no/not sure instead of proper scales, and no opportunity for free text. Not sure what they’ll get out of this, but it won’t be accurate and useful, that’s for sure!

  2. Juko Tempel says

    I did complete the LL survey, but its very simplistic with yes/no/not sure instead of proper scales, and no opportunity for free text. Not sure what they’ll get out of this, but it won’t be accurate and useful, that’s for sure!

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