VastPark is continuing its steady journey to open beta, with the company claiming a successful stress test of its servers. Additionally, they’ve also announced VastServer: “Similar to a web server, VastServer serves up IMML, an XML based Virtual Web equivalent to HTML. It acts as the message rely between all the users on the site so they can interact with each other and see what others are doing online in real time.”

It requires a Windows machine with .NET Framework 3.0 to run with no mention of future Mac or Linux compatibility. VastServer is being touted as non-demanding in terms of computer specs, allowing end users to create virtual worlds “much like Skype conversations”. The real test of those claims will coomence with VastPark’s April 10th open beta launch. The usability of the client application will give a taste of how VastServer may perform as well.
We have an interview pending with VastPark CEO, expect to see the results of that in the coming week or so.
I think it’s great that SL has some steady competition now, I believe that it will help them speed things up and get things up to quality.
They have a good lead over vastpark at the moment and a massive community. I’m kind of hoping vastpark isn’t quite what it’s touted to be as the seperation in communities will do nothing for the entire virtual world meme.
I’d like to your thoughts if you have checked this out Lowell, and also more news on openlife’s qualities would be cool !
I think it’s great that SL has some steady competition now, I believe that it will help them speed things up and get things up to quality.
They have a good lead over vastpark at the moment and a massive community. I’m kind of hoping vastpark isn’t quite what it’s touted to be as the seperation in communities will do nothing for the entire virtual world meme.
I’d like to your thoughts if you have checked this out Lowell, and also more news on openlife’s qualities would be cool !
Hi Marsoups,
I’ve had some brief glimpses of VastPark but that’s about it – I’m signed up for the beta but because its not a Mac application at present I can’t do much. If any TMJ readers have signed up for the beta and would like to report on their experiences, we’re definitely interested in hearing from you!
As fas as Openlife I’ve certainly been in there a couple of times and it’s very much a work in progress, but a promising work. And yes, we’ll certainly conitnue to track their progress here 😉
Hi Marsoups,
I’ve had some brief glimpses of VastPark but that’s about it – I’m signed up for the beta but because its not a Mac application at present I can’t do much. If any TMJ readers have signed up for the beta and would like to report on their experiences, we’re definitely interested in hearing from you!
As fas as Openlife I’ve certainly been in there a couple of times and it’s very much a work in progress, but a promising work. And yes, we’ll certainly conitnue to track their progress here 😉