Openlife resident Macphisto Angelus has posted an excellent summary of a recent meeting for Openlife residents. There were a couple of notable announcements out of the meeting.

First, there’s the partnership with realXtend and its promise for a graphically rich world. Second, a range of browser options are on the way, including a Mac version (Mac users can only use Openlife via the Second Life browser at present). Third, some fascinating avatar enhancements are on the way, leveraging off the realXtend platform.
Since we first dropped in on Openlife in February it’s been evolving steadily. If you’re wanting to dip your toe in the waters of an alternate grid, now might be a good time and why not support the Australia-based Openlife?
i spy a something made by Gumby…
Mac here, thanks for the kind words about my blog post. 🙂
Yes, now is a great time to try out OpenLife. I am a complete fan of the place and have enjoyed meeting some great people there. Sakai is the kind of leadership that will make this platform a great success. Feel free to log into the chat room on the website to get to know some very active and friendly residents that can show you around.
We are all very excited about the RealXTend features that will be beta tested live very soon.
I hope to see you there!
Woot !Good to see the train Lowell, and thanks for the update on your exploring the grids. This is where I have been missing from since Feb.. its a builders paradise.
There may be reason to avoid OpenLife at the moment, certainly before making a significant contribution.
There may be reason to avoid OpenLife at the moment, certainly before making a significant contribution.