Rezzable are arguably one of the most dynamic and innovative content creators in Second Life – a reason we’ve covered their new builds over the past 18 months. Today on the Rezzable blog, CEO Jonathan Himoff (SL: RightAsRain Rimbaud) announced a scaling back of Rezzable’s presence due to the OpenSpace pricing issue. Himoff is quite emphatic on the specifics:
We are very concerned that the Second Life economy from our perspective (not the 67% of growth part that CEO Mark Kingdon sees) is flat and this “void crisis” will have a very negative effect on non-land and non-porno sales inworld. We further, are not convinced, that Linden Lab is doing anything constructive to 1) keep people inworld or 2) market/promote SL to attract new users. Recent announcement from LInden Lab indicate that the company is focusing on enterprise and government markets were it sees better potential.
The Rezzable creations about to be deleted are The Cannery and The Dump – so check them out while you can. Losses like this are nearly always a shame, particularly builds of this quality.
Picture courtesy of Rezzable’s Flickr Group and thanks to Pavig Lok for the heads-up.
I've said it elsewhere, Rezzable may have points on this, but they've been thrashing around for a business model since they entered SL. They had nice builds and great artistry, but in terms of helping any kind of business plan move forward in SL, I haven't seen it. Charging for Greenies only reinforced my view that they had no money making plan in action.
I've said it elsewhere, Rezzable may have points on this, but they've been thrashing around for a business model since they entered SL. They had nice builds and great artistry, but in terms of helping any kind of business plan move forward in SL, I haven't seen it. Charging for Greenies only reinforced my view that they had no money making plan in action.