1. September 10th 2009 at Noon PST (that’s 5.00am, Friday the 11th in Australia) sees an in-world screening of the documentary “Another Perfect World: In Search of Virtual Paradise,” by Femke Wolting & Jorien van Nes.
There’ll be a Q&A with the filmmakers afterwards. You can see a preview of the movie here.
Whilst we’re talking Metaplace, NZ-based Market Truths also has a presence well under development, which I stumbled across today (as pictured).
2. If you’re interested in policy, politics and virtual worlds, then you might enjoy Pixels and Policy, “a new website and blog dedicated to the study of how virtual worlds impact real-world policy, politics, and culture”.
3. Tateru Nino has some interesting graphs on the median concurrency in Second Life i.e. a daily figure showing the middle of the distribution of Second Life residents logged in at one time.
4. If you’re a writer or interested in writing, you might like to check out The Written Word in Second Life or get an intro on their website. There’s also Meet An Author broadcast on treet.tv.
Can you tell me where the screening will take place inworld on Sept 10th? Can you provide the SLurl? Sounds great especially with filmakers Q&A afterwards. Thanks!
Can you tell me where the screening will take place inworld on Sept 10th? Can you provide the SLurl? Sounds great especially with filmakers Q&A afterwards. Thanks!