Darth Vader: Social Media star

Over the past few years, one of the popular culture icons that keep popping up over and over is Darth Vader. YouTube is a particular Vader domain, with some very fine humour to be found.

For me, Chad Vader is the pinnacle. I initially came across these videos in 2006 and they remain very popular:

There’s actually eight Chad Vader episodes and the creators have quite a business going selling DVDs and t-shirts.

Then there’s Darth Vader – Thriller style:

Sexualisation of kids: the David Jones angle

Being heavily involved with technology I often get comments around the role online activitiescan play with sexualisation of kids. Independent news outlet Crikey have run an excellent story today on a David Jones catalogue – it’s well worth the read.

It’s just further proof that the issue is as much a societal one as a technological one. It’s also an issue that companies will need to be aware of as consumer backlash grows against practices like this.

Google Wave: Australia’s major success story?

Ninety minutes is an insane amount of time to spend watching one YouTube video, but this one is worth spending the time on.

Google Wave was developed primarily in Sydney and is a potential game changer. Ok, I’m going to rephrase that – this IS a game changer in the most significant kind of way. It’s intuitive, it eliminates a whole lot of duplication and it actually improves the email experience. Before i start dribbling, do take the time to watch the video and make your own judgements:

Of course, I have a potted history with predicting Google successes, having been very upbeat about Google Lively, which died after a few months operation.

Fake Australian politicians on Twitter

I use Twitter on a daily basis, and one of the more entertaining aspects are the fake aussie politicians on there. Here are the ones I’ve found so far in no particular order:

1. Tony Abbott (Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/TonyAbbottMP – early days but humour a little too obvious.

2. Peter Costello (Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/PeterCostelllo – not that funny IMO

3. Stephen Conroy (Federal MP – ALP) – http://twitter.com/stephenconroy – arguably the most popular and one of the funniest. The shine has been lost since his outing.

4. Greg Hunt (Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/greghunt – early days again but has promise.

5. Penny Wong (Federal MP – ALP) – http://twitter.com/Penny_Wong – more prolific than some, and my money’s on her being a staffer.

6. Nathan Rees (Premier of NSW – ALP) – http://twitter.com/fakenathanrees – new but prolific as well, not sure on humour yet.

7. Sophie Mirabella (Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/SophieMirabella – one of my favourites and money’s on a staffer or journo writing this one.

8. Anna Bligh – (Premier of Qld – ALP) – http://twitter.com/premierofqld – average IMO.

9. Wilson Tuckey – (Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/WilsonTuckey – quality redneckisms.

10. Kevin Rudd (Australian Prime Minister – ALP) – http://twitter.com/KevinFuckinRudd – there’s actually a bunch of Rudds but for me this is the best (and definitely better than the real one on Twitter).

11. David Campbell (NSW MP – ALP) – http://twitter.com/CampbellDavid – nothing to write home about (there’s also a second version here).

12. Fred Nile (NSW MP – CDP) – http://twitter.com/FredNile – funny at times.

13. Steve Fielding (Federal MP – Family First) – http://twitter.com/SenatorFielding – regularly humourous.

14. Pauline Hanson (ex-MP) – http://twitter.com/HansonPauline – entertaining throughout recent Qld state election campaign but little activity since.

15. Robert Menzies (ex-Prime Minister – Libs) – http://twitter.com/robertmenzies – one tweet only to date.

16. Bill Heffernan (Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/billheffernan – great promise, but five tweets only, the last more than a week ago. C’mon Bill.

17. Alexander Downer (ex-Federal MP – Libs) – http://twitter.com/alexanderdowner – too early to tell.

Are there any others I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments and I’ll add to the list.

What is Santa’s phone number?

Thanks to The Inquisitr, we know the answer:

You might not be able to get the big man himself — he’s pretty busy right now, after all — but dial 1-877-HI-NORAD (1-877-446-6723) and you can talk to a real person who’ll tell you where he is and what he’s up to. If you’re outside the United States, dial 1-719-556-5211 to call Santa instead.

By the time you read this the lines will have closed but keep it in mind for next year.

A Merry Xmas to all.

A decent and free online survey tool

I was requested by a client to set up an online survey on a short timeframe and at minimal cost. I did a decent scout around and throughly investigated three:

1. Survey Monkey

2. Zoomerang

3. Survey Gizmo

I’ve used Survey Monkey before and really like its interface. Unfortunately, the free option only allows ten questions and this survey was nearly thirty, so that ruled Survey Monkey out.

Zoomerang is also a nice option and allows thirty questions but only 100 people can respond.

So, Survey Gizmo won out – lots of templates, unlimited questions and 250 responses per month – all for free.

Connecting a Nintendo Wii to an Airport network

For those of you that own an Apple Airport or Airport Extreme, you may find the Wii’s interface a little obtuse as far as connecting to that network.

If you just want your Wii to connect directly to your AirPort, here’s how:

1. Ensure you know your Airport’s ‘name’ – if you go to the Airport icon at the top right of your screen you’ll see the name of the Airport network you’re connected to. This is what the Nintendo Wii calls your SSID.

2. Turn on your Wii and navigate to the Wii settings (icon is on bottom left of the screen).

3. Go to the second page of settings and click on ‘Internet’, then ‘Connection Settings’. There you’ll enter your Airport network’s name. Then click on the blue arrow to the right of where you’ve entered the name and you’ll be presented with password options.

4. I had set a WPA2 password for my network so that’s the button I clicked and then entered my password. You may need to launch the Airport Admin utility (Applications -> Utilities) to confirm which type of password you’ve set.

5. Click ‘Ok’ then let the Wii do it’s connection test. It’ll tell you if it’s successful and if it’s the first time you’ve connected the Wii it’s likely to download an update, which may take a while.

6. That’s it!

The Website is Down

Geek humour at its very best.

WordPress copping more hacker heat

For the code junkies, Donncha O Caoimh gives the lowdown on recent hacker activity with WordPress blogs.

This is an excellent security plugin for WordPress – download it today, it’s free after all.

The blurring between internet and TV continues

YouTube on your Sony TV anyone?

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