I received an interesting notecard in-world that will interest Second Life content creators:
“FFRC Seeking Proposals for Rich Content Project Funding
Do you have an idea for a project that would enrich the lives of Second Life Residents? Some event, interactive environment, game, cultural or artistic production that would make the landscape of the virtual world more interesting? Or some completely new idea that will engage and interest residents?
The Foundation for Rich Content is a funding organization here in SL that awards grants, seasonally, to makers of rich content. Past fundees have produced SL sports and performance events, classes, interactive museum displays, building contests, events for new residents and more.
If you believe you have an idea for a project that would enrich the lives of SL residents, consider completing our application form and submitting it by March 15. Proposals should be titled FFRC Spring 08 application (name of project). Proposals should be sent to Persephone Phoenix at FFRCOfficerPerse@gmail.com by midnight, March 15, 2008. Three grants will be awarded for a maximum of L$25,000 (Twenty Five Thousand Linden Dollars) each. Someone interested in making a smaller project (say a weekend event) can ask for an appropriate level of funding, but the FFRC will not grant more than $25,000 for a single project in this round of funding.
For more information, contact Persephone Phoenix or Jamys Vuckovic, or check out the Google Groups page by Googling SL Foundation for Rich Content.“
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