Blue Mars on iPhone: testing underway

A brief post from Australian fashionista and Blue Mars insider Estelle Parnall, has a shot of some testing she’s done of the iPhone version.

The shots (pictured left) aren’t really different to the ones released when the announcement of the iPhone version, PC version halt and staff layoffs were announced a fortnight ago.

That said, those limited glimpses do show promise, it’ll be interesting to see the progress made in coming months.

Disclosure: Estelle advertises with the Metaverse Journal.

iPhone as complete band: Atomic Tom prove it

I’ve been writing about the iPhone and music for a number of years now, and I’ve never ceased to be amazed by the quality of the music apps created.

A lot of people get excited by the newer apps released, but there’s plenty of life in the older ones too, as demonstrated by New York outfit Atomic Tom. Using four iPhones and some amplification, they shot a video on the New York subway. The video itself was shot by four people just using the iPhone’s video capture capabilities. The drum, vocal and piano apps are all evergreens, I’m unsure on which specific guitar and bass apps are used.


via [Gus Lozada]

Music apps for the iPhone and iPad: new resource

Pro Music Apps is a new site devoted solely to iPhone / iPad applications that are music-related. One of its co-owners is a good friend of mine who has a quarter of a century as a musician and music producer under his belt, so there’ll be no shortage of in-depth knowledge and valid skepticism of dodgy apps.

The site has only recently launched but there’s already plenty of content on there. With the iPad now a reality, music applications will continue their explosive growth. Sites like this will play a role in sorting the wheat from the chaff – so why not give them a try?

Microsoft apes Apple (again)

According to TechCrunch, Microsoft have their iPhone competitor on the way. I don’t know about you, but it looks a damn ugly piece of gear to me. What a surprise!

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