Exodar map now located here!
A detailed map of Exodar vendors and trainers
A detailed map of Darnassus vendors and trainers
A detailed map of Undercity vendors and trainers
World of Warcraft – ‘Well Read’ Achievement
As a long-term World of Warcraft player, I’m still regularly astounded at the complexity and depth of the ‘game’. For the past year, the Achievements system has helped to encapsulate the scope of WoW. At time of writing, there are 931 achievements that range from pulling off 100 victories in a battleground to kissing a range of WoW fauna.
One of these achievements is titled Well Read and requires the reading of 42 books spread around different parts of Azeroth. It’s a time-consuming quest but one that gives you the opportunity to read a lot of WoW lore if that’s what takes your fancy. If not, then it’s just another grind for an achievement 😉
Any Level 70+ character is likely to be able to pick up the quest solo, with the biggest challenge being Scholomance.
I recorded the location of each book as I did it, for your benefit – I tried to do it in the most time-efficient way as far as flight time etc. Of course, the list below applies to Alliance characters, Horde characters may want to check here for an alternate approach.
Onto the list:
Ref | Name | Where | Specifics |
1 | The Alliance of Lordaeron | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On Table |
2 | Aftermath of the Second War | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On Table |
3 | The Guardians of Tirisfal | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On Table |
4 | Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On Floor |
5 | Beyond the Dark Portal | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | 2nd Table |
6 | Civil War in the Plaguelands | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On Floor |
7 | The Kaldorei & the Well of Eternity | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On Pillar |
8 | The New Horde | Stormwind Keep – Royal Library | On 2nd Pillar |
9 | The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind | Stormwind Keep – War Room | On Table |
10 | The Battle of Grim Batol | Stormwind Keep – War Room | 2nd Table |
11 | War of the Spider | Stormwind Keep – War Room | 3rd Table |
12 | Archimonde’s Return | Stormwind – Library – The Canals | On Table |
and the Flight to Kalimdor | |||
13 | Mount Hyjal and Illidan’s Gift | Stormwind – Library – The Canals | On Table |
14 | Lethargy of the Orcs | Elwynn Forest – Eastvale Logging | 2nd Floor House |
15 | Kil’Jaeden and the Shadow Pact | Duskwood – Darkshire Inn | Upstairs |
16 | The Founding of Quel’Thalas | Duskwood – Darkshire Inn | Upstairs |
17 | The Birth of the Lich King | Duskwood – Town Hall | On Table (Mayor) |
18 | The Last Guardian | Westfall – Sentinel Hill – Inn | On Table |
19 | The Scourge of Lordaeron | Booty Bay – ‘Sea Wolf’ McKinley | Bottom Floor |
20 | The Twin Empires | Booty Bay – ‘Sea Wolf’ McKinley | Bottom Floor |
21 | Empires’ Fall | Booty Bay – ‘Sea Wolf’ McKinley | Bottom Floor |
22 | Wrath of Soulflayer | Booty Bay – ‘Sea Wolf’ McKinley | Bottom Floor |
23 | The Sentinels and the Long Vigil | Booty Bay – ‘Sea Wolf’ McKinley | Top Floor |
24 | Sunwell – The Fall of Quel’Thalas | Booty Bay – Salty Sailor Tavern | 2nd Floor |
25 | Ironforge – The Awakening of the Dwarves | Ironforge – Hall of Explorers | Library Table |
26 | War of the Three Hammers | Ironforge – Hall of Explorers | Library Table |
27 | Arathor and the Troll Wars | Ironforge – Hall of Explorers | Library Table |
28 | The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth | Ironforge – Hall of Explorers | Library Table |
29 | Charge of the Dragonflights | Ironforge – Hall of Explorers | Library Table |
30 | The Rise of the Horde | Ironforge – Hall of Explorers | |
31 | The Invasion of Draenor | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | First room (down) |
32 | Exile of the High Elves | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | First room (down) |
33 | The Seven Kingdoms | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | The Reliquary |
34 | Icecrown and Frozen Throne | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | The Reliquary |
35 | Sargeras and The Betrayal | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | The Reliquary |
36 | Kel’Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | The Reliquary |
37 | The Lich King Triumphant | Western Plagulands -Scholomance | The Reliquary |
38 | Rise of the Blood Elves | Darnassus – Craftsmen’s Terrace | B/W Cooking & First Aid |
39 | The War of the Ancients | Darnassus – Craftsmen’s Terrace | B/W Cooking & First Aid |
40 | The World Tree and the Emerald Dream | Darnassus – Craftsmen’s Terrace | North most building |
41 | The Betrayer Ascendant | Darnassus – Tradesman’s Terrace | Back row, behind Cloth |
42 | Old Hatreds – The Colonization of Kalimdor | Gadgetzan | At Flightmaster |
A detailed map of Ironforge vendors and trainers
Note: this map will be updated as needed once Cataclysm hits – watch this space 😉
It’s time for an Ironforge map:

(View the full-size version here)
Ref | Name | Vendor/s or other key NPCs | Trainer/s |
A | Hall of Mysteries | Priest Trainer (High Priest Rohan) | |
Priest Trainer (Braenna Flintcrag) | |||
Priest Trainer (Toldren Deepiron) | |||
Paladin Trainer (Brandur Ironhammer) | |||
Paladin Trainer (Beldruk Doombrow) | |||
Portal Trainer (Milstaff Stormeye) | |||
Mage Trainer (Juli Stormkettle) | |||
Mage Trainers (Bink and Dink) | |||
B | Maeva’s Mystical | Robe Merchant (Maeva Stonebraid) | |
Apparel | Cloth Armor Merchant (Ingrys Stonebrow) (U) | ||
C | The Fighting | Weapon Merchant (Bingus) | |
Wizard | Wands Merchant (Harick Boulderdrum) (D) | ||
D | Lonberry’s | Reagents Vendor (Ginny Longberry) | |
Reagents | |||
E | The Mystic Ward | Fruit Vendor (Bimble Longberry) | |
(Central) | |||
F | Finespindle’s | Leatherworking Supplies (Bombus Finespindle) | Skinning Trainer (Balthus Stoneflayer) |
Leather Goods | Leatherworking (Fimble Finespindle) | ||
G | Stonebrow’s | Alliance Cloth Quartermaster (M. Steelshield) | Tailoring Trainer (Jormund Stonebrow) |
Clothier | Tailoring Supplies (Poranna Snowbraid) | ||
Specialty Tailoring Supplies (Outfitter Eric) (U) | |||
H | Burbik’s Supplies | Trade Supplies (Burbik Gearspanner) | |
I | Deep Mountain | Mining Supplies (Goinir Bouldertoe) | Mining Trainer (Geofram Bouldertoe) |
Mining Guild | |||
J | Unnamed | Shaman Trainer (Farseer Javad) | |
K | The Great Forge | Blacksmithing Supplies (Thurgrum Deepforge) | Blacksmithing Trainer (Beng. Deepforge) |
(North-East) | The Keymaster (Brombar Higgleby) | Weaponsmith Trainer (Ironus Coldsteel) | |
Armorsmith Trainer (Grum. Steelshaper) | |||
L | The Bronze | Cooking Supplies (Emrul Riknussun) (D) | Cooking Trainer (Daryl Riknussun) |
Kettle | |||
M | Thistlefuzz | Inscription Supplies (Thargen Heavyquill) | Inscription Trainer (Elise Brightletter) |
Arcanery | Enchanting Supplies (Tilli Thistlefuzz) | Enchanting Trainer (Gimble Thistlefuzz) | |
Lexicon of Power | |||
N | The Great Forge | Flight Master (Gryth Thurden) | |
(Eastern) | |||
O | Ironforge | Herbalism Supplies (Gwina Stonebranch) | Herbalism Trainer (Reyna Stonebranch) |
Physician | First Aid Trainer (Nissa Firestone) (U) | ||
P | Forlorn Cavern | Shady Dealer (Tynnus Venomsprout) | Rogue Trainer (Hulfdan Blackbeard) |
(South) | Rogue Trainer (Fenthwick) | ||
Rogue Trainer (Ormyr Flinteye) | |||
Q | Forlorn Cavern | Warlock Trainer (Briarthorn) | |
(North) | Warlock Trainer (Thistleheart) | ||
Warlock Trainer (Alexander Calder) | |||
R | Traveling | Fishing Supplies (Tansy Puddlefizz) | Fishing Trainer (Grimnur Stonebrand) |
Fisherman | |||
S | Stoneblade’s | Blade Merchant (Hjoldir Stoneblade) | |
T | Springspindle’s | Gnomeregan Commendations (entrance) | Engineering Trainer (S. Fizzlegear) |
Gadgets | Engineering Supplies (Gearcutter Cogspinner) | ||
U | Tinker Town | King of Gnomes (High Tinker Mekkatorque) | Gnomish Engineering Trainer |
(Central) | (Tinkmaster Overspark) | ||
V | Berryfizz’s Potions | Alchemy Supplied (Soolie Berryfizz) | Alchemy Trainer (Tally Berryfizz) |
& Mixed Drinks | |||
W | Things That | Fireworks Vendor (Fizzlebang Booms) | |
Go Boom | |||
X | Tinker Town | Alliance Cloth Quartermaster | |
(East) | (Bubulo Acerbus) | ||
Y | Goldfury’s | Gun Merchant (Bretta Goldfury) | |
Hunting Supplies | Bow Merchant (Skolmin Goldfury) (U) | ||
Z | Bruuk’s Corner | Bartender (Bruuk Barleybeard) | |
Barmaid (Edris Barleybeard) | |||
2 | Hall of Arms | Stable Master (Ulbrek Firehand) | Hunter Trainer (Regnus Thundergranite) |
Hunter Trainer (Olmin Burningbeard) | |||
Hunter Trainer (Daera Brightspear) | |||
Pet Trainer (Belia Thundergranite) | |||
Warrior Trainer (Kelv Sternhammer) | |||
Warrior Trainer (Kelstrum Stonebreaker) | |||
Warrior Trainer (Bilban Tosslespanner) | |||
3 | Timberline Arms | Maces and Staves (Kelomir Ironhand) | Weapon Master (Bixi Wobblebonk) |
Weapon Merchant (Thalgus Thunderfist) (D) | Weapon Master (Bullwyf Stonehand) | ||
Axe Merchant (Hegnar Swiftaxe) (D) | |||
Blade Merchant (Brenwyn Wintersteel) (D) | |||
4 | Craghelm’s Plate | Light Armor Merchant (Lissyphus Finespindle) | |
and Chain | Mail Armor Merchant (Dolkin Craghelm) | ||
Heavy Armor Merchant (Olthran Craghelm) (U) | |||
5 | The Military | Training Dummies | |
Ward | |||
6 | Fizzlespinner’s | Bag Vendor (Pithwick) | |
General Goods | Trade Supplies (Fizzius Fizzlespinner) | ||
General Goods (Brillia Ironbrand) | |||
7 | Ironforge | Tabard Vendor (Lyesa Steelbrow) | |
Visitor’s Center | Guild Master (Jondor Steelbrow) | ||
8 | Ironforge | Auctioneers | |
Auction House | |||
9 | Barim’s Reagents | Reagents Vendor (Barim Jurgenstaad) | |
10 | The Stonefire | Brew of the Month Club (Larkin Thunderbrew) | |
Tavern | Innkeeper (Innkeeper Firebrew) | ||
Barmaid (Gwenna Firebrew) | |||
Brew of the Month Club (Brew Vendor) | |||
11 | Barber Shop | Barber (Pella Brassbrush) | |
12 | Ironforge | Heavy Armor Merchant (Mangorn Flinthammer) | |
Armory | Light Armor Merchant (Raena Flinthammer) | ||
Heavy Armor Merchant (Bromiir Ormsen) (U) | |||
13 | Vault of Ironforge | Bankers | |
Guild Vault | |||
14 | Steelfury’s | Weapon Merchant (Dolman Steelfury) | |
Weapon | Weapon Merchant (Grenil Steelfury) | ||
Emporium |
A detailed map of Silvermoon City vendors and trainers
Wow factor: Google Maps in Second Life
UK virtual world consultants, Daden Limited have created an amazing build in Second Life that directly leverages Google Maps content. The visuals say it all:
The NPIRL and Digital Urban blogs have more info as well.
With multiple mirror worlds in development and work like this being done, can you imagine how interesting booking a holiday is going to be in coming years?
Check it out in-world and thanks to Meta Linden for the heads-up.
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